The River Vero preserves several historic bridges, dating back from Medieval times through to the 16th century. Noteworthy for the quality of their execution, design and architectural innovations.

The construction of many of the bridges connected the road networks, hence providing an essential structure for the region (la Albarda). In other cases they were connected to the mills, facilitating access for the horses carrying wheat and flour ( Fuentebaños and bridges in in  Paúles de Sarsa and Sarsa de Surta). Some were also constructed close to the villages in order to connect them with the main transport routes (Villacantal, del Diablo, de Pozán, de Castillazuelo). These bridges also provided access to agricultural fields and vegetable gardens (Pozán de Vero).


  • A Agua Puentes 1
  • A Agua Puentes 2
  • A Agua Puentes 3
  • A Agua Puentes 4
  • A Agua Puentes 5